Lost Mine of Phandelver Game Master 5 Files

Last updated on September 4, 2023

The Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set is required to use this file. The Lost Mine of Phandelver Game Master 5 file only has the encounters. It does not contain rules, notes, maps, narratives, or other important information you need to run this adventure. It is relatively cheap at $12.95! and is a fantastic value. (Affiliate Link)


1. Download & Install Game Master 5

If you haven’t already downloaded and installed Game Master 5, you need to go to the App Store and download it to your device. I’ve only ever used GM5 on iOS, so I cannot comment on the Android version. I’m just going to assume everything works as advertised unless I hear otherwise. I definitely recommend splurging the $2.99 (last time I checked) to remove the ads and allow for more than one campaign, but you can get by fine with the free version.

2. Compendium Files

You can use this Game Master file with the stock SRD compendium or you can use my SRD Enhanced compendium. Obviously, I recommend my enhanced compendium. The only thing missing from either compendium is the copyrighted magical items. Talon, Hew, etc. are pretty straightforward though, so should have no trouble modifying existing items.

3. Game Master 5 Campaign File

Once you have the app and the compendium set up, you can download my campaign file (Lost Mine of Phandelver Campaign.xml) to your device and import it. Simply select “New Campaign” from the bottom menu and select Import. You can then find it in iCloud and load it up.

4. B.Y.O.P.

In order to use Lost Mine of Phandelver Game Master 5 file, you are going to need to add some player characters. I highly recommend using Fight Club 5 for the player characters. Even if your players are using pen & paper, I’d create them in your own Fight Club 5 and then import those FC5 characters into Game Master 5. I have not yet done a tutorial on how to do that, but I will be in the weeks to come, so keep an eye on my YouTube channel.

5. Add Your Own Content, Images, and Notes

Adding your own content is key to really getting the most out of Game Master 5. Adding character images for the NPCs, inspiring artwork for the campaign and adventures, and creating notes for various things you need to remember. In my personal copy, I have most of the adventure’s narratives loaded as notes. It took a long time to do, but I like not having to flip back and forth between my iPad and the adventure book.

Exandria Anyone?

I am currently working on a conversion of Lost Mine of Phandelver from the Forgotten Realms to the world of Exandria from the hit webseries Critical Role. Keep an eye out for it. In the meantime, check out the maps I made in Wonderdraft for it.

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MrFarland Written by:

Don Farland lives in central Pennsylvania with his loving wife and Bruno, a quirky, jumpy cat too damn cute for his own good.