Last updated on August 20, 2023
It has been a while since I released a battle map and I’m happy to announce the drought is over. Today’s map is titled “Jungle Camp” and it is a map for a new one-shot I am working on.
I’m keeping most of the details on the adventure under wraps for the moment, but it involves an expedition by the famed Arcane Archaeologist Jorlund Vohr of the Alabaster Lyceum. It will be the first of many one-shots set in the Critical Role universe and is meant to be played with an all caster party.
This camp battle map is very large at roughly 16MB each. I created them at a real-world size of 22″x17″ (four 8.5″x11″ pieces of paper) at a resolution of 300 pixels per inch. You may have to shrink them for a virtual tabletop, but they’ll look great printed.

As is often the case, I have Ross McConnell at 2 Minute Tabletop to thank for the fantastic assets. I used a number of his asset packs to create this map and I am eternally grateful. Make sure you check out his website for more great battle maps and assets.
If you like this battle map, don’t forget to check out my other battle maps here.