Last updated on April 24, 2020
The Main Street Battle Map is a map I created over a year ago and was one of the first maps I made. I created it for my home game and while it did get used for an assassination attempt on my players, I never got to use it as I really intended. A large-scale raid on the village. Marauding bands of orcs running between houses, kicking in doors, and otherwise terrorizing the people of the town. I imagined players running in the front door, diving through a back window to surprise the orcs on the other side. The players managed to make a hard left though and neutralized the threat before it ever got here. … … yay. 🙁
Last night while going through my files, I stumbled across it and realized I never officially released it. So without further ado, here is my new (old) battle map, “Main Street”.

The Main Street battle map is also available with the building interiors exposed. I envisioned people ducking inside to hide from pursuing raiders. Or archers firing from second-story windows.

I hope you enjoy the map. Oh and one more thing … just flood the town with orcs, gnolls, and invading army, something. If you need a slightly more urban setting, check out my battle map Mean Streets.
As is often the case with my maps, this one also features assets from talented artist Ross McConnell at